Our Philosophy

At Crossroads Early Childhood Centre, we believe that every person is created by God, loved by God and has value. Because of this our philosophy is shaped across three key pillars:

Christian Faith - Cross



We actively share our faith and encourage curriculum and character that allows faith to flourish.

Fern - Growth



We celebrate and nurture God-given strengths, creating and curating an environment where tamariki, whānau and kaiako can grow.

Heart - Love



We love and care for one another, building a lasting community within a peaceful and welcoming haven.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control - Galatians 5:22

Our Curriculum

Our local curriculum encompasses our geographic location as well as the aspirations, beliefs, goals, language, culture, identity, and features of our early learning centre and the people in it. It is responsive to the needs of our learners, kaiako | teachers, whānau | family, iwi and community and includes all the experiences, activities, and events, both direct and indirect, that occur within our centre.

Our learning priorities are articulated so that kaiako, whānau and tamariki know what is especially important at CECC, and kaiako use intentional teaching to support these priorities.